A new study shows that having good cardiovascular health can reduce the pace of biological aging. Specifically, good heart health may slow biological aging by up to 6 years.
This study was presented at the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions 2023.
6 years younger biologically
Using Life’s Essential 8—which includes diet, physical activity, nicotine exposure, sleep, BMI, cholesterol, blood sugar, and blood pressure—to measure biological age, researchers found that those with the highest scores had a biological age on average 6 years younger than their actual age, reflected in the following aspects:
- Metabolism
- Inflammation
- Organ function
Maintaining these factors well can not only reduce biological age but also improve overall health. Good cardiovascular health can slow the pace of biological aging, extending lifespan and reducing the risk of heart problems and age-related diseases.
The study shows that those with good heart health had a younger biological age (the health of their cells) compared to their chronological age (the number of years they have lived). Conversely, participants with poor cardiovascular health had a biological age older than their actual age. Specifically:
- The average chronological age of those with good heart health was 41, and their average biological age was 36.
- The average chronological age of those with poor heart health was 53, and their average biological age was 57.
Heart health linked to biological aging
Chronological age is a person’s birthdate. Biological age is measured by assessing the condition of cells and how the body functions.
“Biological age includes chronological age, genetics, lifestyle, other diseases, and other health factors such as nutrition,” explained Dr. Joyce Oen-Hsiao, assistant professor at Yale School of Medicine and Director of Cardiac Rehabilitation Services at Yale New Haven Heart & Vascular Center, who was not involved in the study.
“A person’s biological age depends on the damage the body accumulates over time, related to illnesses and lifestyle,” Dr. Oen-Hsiao added.
For example, if a 30-year-old man doesn’t exercise, eats a high-fat fast food diet, and smokes, his biological age will be older than his actual age.
“However, patients who live a healthy lifestyle, monitor their health, exercise regularly, maintain a good weight, and follow a heart-healthy diet can have a biological age younger than their actual age,” Dr. Oen-Hsiao explained.
The link between cardiovascular health and slowing biological aging is very clear. So, patients who maintain a healthy lifestyle and improve heart health will have a lower biological age, or their body’s aging process will slow compared to those who do not have a healthy lifestyle.
How Do the “Life’s Essential 8 Checklist” Slow Down Biological Aging?
According to Dr. Oen-Hsiao, the “8 Essentials Checklist” refers to positive lifestyle changes a person can make to improve their health. These include:
- Diet
Eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and avoiding trans fats, fried foods, and sugary treats can help with weight loss, reduce oxidation, lower cholesterol, and prevent diabetes. All of these contribute to reducing biological age.
- Physical Activity
The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends 150 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity physical activity per week.
Moderate-intensity activities include walking, jogging, cycling, water aerobics, or ballroom dancing.
Vigorous-intensity activities include running, spinning, swimming, or jumping rope. Exercise can help lower blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels, while also aiding in weight loss. These benefits all help slow down biological aging.
- Quitting Smoking
Smoking, vaping, or using e-cigarettes negatively affects the body, leading to high blood pressure, vascular damage (due to toxins), and shortness of breath (from changes in the lungs, reducing oxygen exchange).
Quitting smoking can reduce the risk of coronary artery disease by half within a year. All the negative effects of smoking increase biological age. By quitting, the process of biological aging can slow down.
- Healthy Sleep
People who don’t get enough sleep often experience high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high blood sugar, and slower metabolism. These effects lead to weight gain and obesity. By sleeping at least 7-9 hours per night, individuals can improve cardiovascular health, thus slowing down biological aging.
- BMI/Weight
Many factors contribute to being overweight or obese. Genetics play a role, but lifestyle is more important. Eating unhealthy foods and living a sedentary lifestyle both lead to weight gain.
Excess weight puts strain on the heart and joints and can lead to diseases like diabetes. These negative impacts accelerate biological aging. To counteract this, individuals should control portion sizes, choose healthier foods, and exercise. Losing weight to a normal BMI level will slow down biological aging.
- Cholesterol
High cholesterol often leads to cardiovascular inflammation, increasing the risk of stroke and heart attack.
Cholesterol comes from two sources: the body (genetics) and food. While genetics can’t be changed, eating habits can. By choosing healthier foods (particularly reducing saturated fats and carbohydrates, and increasing vegetables and lean meats), cholesterol levels can be lowered, reducing the risk of cardiovascular inflammation and slowing down biological aging.
- Blood Sugar
High blood sugar leads to diabetes. When blood sugar is high, it can damage blood vessels in the heart, brain, eyes, and kidneys, increasing the risk of heart attack and stroke.
Uncontrolled blood sugar accelerates biological aging. By lowering blood sugar, this process can be slowed. People should avoid refined sugars, carbohydrates (bread, pasta, rice), and sugary drinks. Exercise also helps reduce blood sugar by “burning off” excess glucose in the blood.
- Blood Pressure
High blood pressure can put strain on the cardiovascular system—not only on arteries but also on the heart itself.
Uncontrolled blood pressure can lead to heart failure, stroke, and heart attack. This strain accelerates biological aging. Controlling blood pressure can be achieved by increasing activity and eating heart-healthy foods, especially by reducing salt intake.
Healthy lifestyle habits can help you live longer
In addition to slowing down biological aging, adhering to the “8 essentials” can improve overall health in many ways.
Dr. John Higgins, a cardiologist at UTHealth Houston who was not involved in the research, explained that improving endothelial (vascular) function has a positive impact on many systems in the body:
Reducing risk factors:
- Better blood pressure
- Better cholesterol levels
- Better blood sugar levels
- Less smoking
Improving organ function:
- Better kidney function
- Improved blood flow to the heart, brain, limbs, and muscles — leading to better aerobic exercise capacity
- Better bone and muscle health, with a reduced risk of falls or fractures
- Improved blood circulation to the skin, promoting healthier skin and reducing the risk of sunburn and skin cancer
“Eating a heart-healthy diet, exercising, getting enough sleep, and not smoking can help reduce blood sugar, cholesterol, and blood pressure. All of this leads to weight loss, allowing people to be more active”, said Dr. Oen-Hsiao.
Maintaining an active lifestyle is not only good for the heart but also for the bones and joints. People will have fewer joint and muscle issues if they stay active daily. Weight loss also helps reduce pressure on the joints, allowing for more mobility.
Finally, keeping up with exercise habits (you can start at any age) and maintaining an active lifestyle will help improve mood (people who exercise regularly are less likely to be depressed) and boost brain health (reducing the risk of dementia by controlling blood pressure and exercising regularly).
Source: MedicalNewsToday
=>> Read more: Live longer, die healthier
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