The human brain is probably the most mysterious organ in our body. Scientists continuously discover new facts about how it functions, yet the brain still hides countless secrets. There are some simple ways to boost your intellect and enhance your brain’s performance, and they will surely surprise you!
The video 9 Proofs You Can Increase Your Brain Power on the popular YouTube channel Bright Side (with nearly 45 million subscribers) highlights nine factors that can influence brain power. If you follow the advice provided, your brain power could be significantly enhanced.
Chronic lack of sleep worsens memory
During a full night’s sleep, brain cells remove toxic compounds that can be harmful. Quality sleep is essential for the brain to recover. Start investing in your sleep today!
Prolonged stress destroys the brain
Chronic stress leads to memory decline, reduced learning ability, and diminished self-control. If prolonged, it can cause significant damage to the brain.
Love and hate have a lot in common
British scientists have discovered that love and hate originate from similar areas in the brain. Learning to love, live, and balance your emotions can be beneficial for your brain.
The brain is highly sensitive to dehydration
Our brain is almost 80% water. When dehydration occurs in the body, including the brain, it reacts negatively, leading to a decline in its functions and strength.
Pregnancy changes the brain’s structure
Studies have shown that pregnancy reduces the amount of gray matter in brain regions responsible for social cognition and understanding others.
Excess sugar reduces the brain’s ability to learn
A diet high in fructose slows down brain activity, reducing its ability to learn, remember information, and focus.
Romantic love and maternal feelings are very similar
In terms of brain activity, romantic love and maternal feelings share many similarities, although there are some differences. Strengthening and maintaining romantic relationships helps the brain practice responding to complex emotions, enhancing its multifaceted functionality.
Painting improves brain function
Research has found that painting and viewing art improve interaction between different brain regions and slow the aging process of the brain.
Reading trains the brain
Scientists from Oxford University have proven that reading exercises the brain’s cognitive abilities and activates areas that are otherwise unused.