/Video/Get your ENERGY back: The Scientific Secrets you need to know

Get your ENERGY back: The Scientific Secrets you need to know

Do you often feel tired and exhausted? If so, you should read this article and watch the full video “Get your ENERGY back: The Scientific Secrets you need to know” as we suggest.

The Role of Mitochondria in Energy Conversion

Your mitochondria are the tiny powerhouses living inside your cells. You have millions of mitochondria in your body, and their job is simple: turn your food into energy. Specifically, your mitochondria convert glucose from food into energy.

If your mitochondria are functioning well, everything feels great—you wake up in the morning, full of energy, excited about your big to-do list, and eager to accomplish it. But if your mitochondria aren’t functioning properly, you’ll feel exhausted. This often happens because your little mitochondria aren’t working efficiently.

To regain your energy, the goal is to ensure your mitochondria are functioning at their highest efficiency, so you have enough energy to do everything you want.

Understanding How Mitochondria Work

Your mitochondria thrive on a steady supply of glucose each day from the food you eat. They burn glucose to produce energy, allowing you to do the things you love—play, work, walk, think, and laugh.

But if your mitochondria receive too much glucose too quickly, they become overwhelmed and can no longer burn glucose efficiently, leaving you feeling fatigued.

If you’re feeling tired, if you find yourself waking up in the morning wondering where your energy went, even though it’s only 8 AM, and if you feel like there was a past version of yourself that had more energy and you want to reclaim that energy, the solution is not to eat as much sugar and carbs as possible. This is because dopamine provides pleasure, not energy.

To Regain Energy: A Strategy for Providing Steady Glucose to Mitochondria

When we consume too much sugar and carbs, it impairs our mitochondria’s ability to produce energy. Your mitochondria aren’t functioning as efficiently as they could because they’re receiving too much glucose, too quickly. So, what should we do to provide glucose steadily to the mitochondria, helping them burn it efficiently without being overwhelmed, and preventing chronic fatigue?

There are many ways, but the most important strategy for stable energy throughout the day lies in breakfast.

When we eat a sugary breakfast, we experience a spike in dopamine. But dopamine gives us pleasure, not energy. What you really want for sustainable energy is a savory breakfast instead of a sweet one. This means your breakfast should be based on protein with a bit of fat.

That’s the most important way to start.

When you crave sweet foods, make sure you don’t eat them on an empty stomach. Eat sweets as dessert after a meal. After a meal, our digestive system already has food in it. Eating sweets at this time prevents sugar from entering the bloodstream too quickly. This way, your mitochondria won’t receive an overwhelming amount of sugar immediately but will get a more stable supply as the rest of the meal digests.

Watch the full video HERE.

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