Explore the concept of health, not just as the absence of illness but as continuous change and growth. While we know that change is inevitable and growth is a part of maturity, we often fear change as we age.
Over the past 15 years, healthcare costs in the U.S. have skyrocketed, alongside the rise of fast food chains and convenient meals. Poor nutritional habits have made the U.S. one of the unhealthiest places to live. We’ve turned Taco Tuesday into a national holiday, and our children have grown accustomed to celebrating with happy meals.
The shift from the traditional lifestyles of ranchers and farmers to a convenience-driven culture has created many health problems. According to the American Heart Association, children aged 3 to 5 years are at risk of not outliving their parents.
We need to find ways to reverse this trend. The current generations don’t know a life without modern technology and instant gratification. This video shares my personal story of my father, Paul David Kennedy, and my brother, Jeffrey Kennedy, who faced serious health issues due to poor eating habits. My mission stems from these painful experiences and my desire to help future generations live healthier lives.