Due to factors such as cooking habits or dining out, where sugar, salt, and seasonings are often difficult to control, Vietnam is currently among the countries with the highest salt and sugar consumption rates in Southeast Asia. However, remember that with every sprinkle of salt or pinch of sugar, your lifespan may shorten!
Vietnamese People Consume Too Much Sugar and Salt
According to the National Institute of Nutrition, the average salt and sugar intake of an adult in Vietnam is double the recommended limits set by the World Health Organization (WHO):
- Salt: WHO recommends no more than 5g of salt daily for adults. In reality, the average consumption in Vietnam is 9.4g/day/person.
- Sugar: WHO recommends no more than 25g of sugar daily for adults. In reality, the average consumption in Vietnam is 46.5g/day/person.
Excessive Salt and Sugar Consumption Increases Health Risks
High intake of salt and sugar is a leading cause of non-communicable diseases such as obesity, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes, all of which reduce lifespan and quality of life.
- Salt: Excess salt increases vascular tension, causes water retention in cells, and raises peripheral resistance, leading to hypertension. In Vietnam, statistics from the National Heart Institute reveal that 1 in 5 adults suffers from hypertension. Cardiovascular diseases, primarily strokes, account for 1 in 3 deaths. Alarmingly, nearly 57% of hypertension cases and 70% of diabetes cases remain undiagnosed, while over 86% of hypertension patients do not have their condition under control.
- Sugar: Excessive sugar consumption has made Vietnam the fastest-growing country in Southeast Asia in terms of obesity rates. The National Institute of Nutrition reports that 25% of the population is overweight or obese. From 2012 to 2022, diabetes prevalence doubled from 2.7% to 5.4%, with over 3.5 million people currently living with the condition.
How Excess Salt and Sugar Shorten Lifespan?
Consuming too much salt or sugar can significantly reduce lifespan. A study conducted by Tulane University, USA, published in the European Heart Journal in June 2022, revealed that high salt intake could shorten men’s lives by two years and women’s lives by 1.5 years.
The study analyzed data from 500,000 middle-aged British participants who habitually added salt at the table after food preparation. Their risk of dying before age 75 was 28% higher than those who didn’t have this habit.
As for sugar, endocrinologist Michael Ristow, leading a study at the University of Jena and the Institute of Human Nutrition in Germany, published findings in Cell Metabolism showing that reducing sugar and sweets intake could extend human lifespan by approximately 25%.
This study also highlighted that while sugar offers certain health benefits, excessive sugar intake promotes free radical formation in cells, diminishing the body’s antioxidant capacity and accelerating aging.
How to Reduce Salt and Sugar Intake for Longevity?
Here are recommendations from nutrition experts to lower salt and sugar intake and improve health:
- Limit the addition of salt/sugar to food at the table. Keep salt/sugar containers out of reach.
- Carefully read food labels to check the salt/sugar content.
- Avoid processed and pre-packaged foods.
- Prioritize fresh, natural ingredients.
- Gradually reduce salt and sugar consumption to allow your palate to adjust, avoiding sudden cravings that lead to overeating.