Sex is an important part of life, but the way we engage in sexual activity and the frequency of it can change significantly as we age. So, is sexual activity in old age beneficial, and what are its effects?
1. Should older adults engage in sexual activity? Why?
Physical health changes as you age, and you may become more susceptible to various health conditions, such as heart disease, arthritis, and dementia. Additionally, sexual desire and activity often decline for many reasons.
So, should older adults engage in sexual activity? Is sex in old age good? The answer is that you can still have sex after 50, and current research shows that sexual activity in older age can bring many health benefits. Studies indicate that a healthy sex life can be good for your heart, blood pressure, and stress levels. Blood pressure tends to decrease through physical contact, such as holding hands and prolonged hugging (and of course, sexual activity).
Your body can also enhance calorie burning and boost muscle activity during sexual activity. It is also linked to better sleep, a stronger immune system, and reduced headaches.
The next question is: how much sexual activity is enough for older adults? Sexual activity in old age depends on many factors, including physical health, mental state, and individual needs. Therefore, there is no specific number to define how much sexual activity is sufficient in old age. Many older individuals still have a high sexual desire and find joy in their relationships. Thus, it is important to understand your own desires, needs, and limits when it comes to sexual activity.

2. What are the effects of sexual activity in old age?
Sexual activity is a topic of great interest to many people, both young and old. Many seek to understand whether sexual activity in old age is beneficial and how much sexual activity is enough. Below are the benefits of sexual activity after the age of 50 for the health and well-being of older adults.
2.1. Boosts the immune system
Research shows that regular sexual activity can help strengthen the immune system and protect you from illness. One study found that the level of immunoglobulin A in the bodies of college students who had sex one to two times a week was significantly higher than in those who had sex less frequently. Immunoglobulin A is an antibody found in mucous membranes and is considered the first line of defense against infections.
Another study in 2021 discovered that having sex more than three times a month seemed to provide protective effects against COVID-19. The mechanism by which sex might enhance immunity is not yet fully understood; however, researchers suggest it may be due to sex increasing blood flow, which helps improve the distribution of antibodies throughout the body.
2.2. Improves cardiovascular health
Some men worry that sexual activity may trigger a heart attack, but studies show this is extremely rare, especially if you exercise regularly. In fact, recent research indicates that having sex frequently with a partner is associated with a lower risk of heart problems.
A large study published in the American Journal of Cardiology found that men who had sex at least twice a week were 50% less likely to die from heart disease compared to men who had sex only once a month. In another study, British researchers tracked 914 men over 20 years and discovered that as sexual activity increased, the risk of stroke and heart attack decreased.
For women, a large analysis showed that the likelihood of developing peripheral artery disease (a condition that narrows the arteries and increases the risk of stroke) decreased in those who were satisfied with their sex life. This could be attributed to improved sleep, lower stress levels, and a closer bond with their partner through sexual activity.
2.3. Strengthens pelvic floor muscles
A study published in the International Urology and Nephrology Journal found that pelvic floor muscles in sexually active women are significantly stronger than in those who are not sexually active. Strong pelvic floor muscles help with bladder control and prevent incontinence. In men, weak pelvic floor muscles can lead to erectile dysfunction.
2.4. Reduces pain
Before reaching for over-the-counter pain relievers, consider using sexual activity as a pain relief method. Whether you have a headache, arthritis, or another type of chronic pain, sex may help alleviate it.
A large observational study found that among individuals experiencing sexual activity during a migraine, 60% reported partial or complete pain relief. However, 33% reported that their migraine worsened. Researchers noted that some individuals, especially men suffering from migraines, use sexual activity as a treatment tool for their pain.
Another study found that vaginal stimulation in women increased pain tolerance by about 40%, while orgasm raised pain tolerance by nearly 75%. Experts suggest that this effect helps release feel-good hormones, including endorphins, the body’s natural pain relievers.
2.5. Helps improve menopausal symptoms
Regular sexual activity can help combat physical changes such as vaginal dryness and vaginal atrophy, which often occur during menopause. Sexual intercourse stimulates blood circulation and helps keep vaginal tissues healthy, firm, and elastic. In fact, studies show that the more often you have sex, the healthier the tissues will be.
2.6. Reduces the risk of prostate cancer
For men, some studies have indicated a link between frequent orgasms and a lower risk of prostate cancer. The prostate holds some fluids that are released during ejaculation.
A Harvard study involving nearly 32,000 men found that the more often men ejaculated, the lower their risk of developing cancer. In fact, those who ejaculated more than 20 times per month had about a 20% reduced risk of prostate cancer compared to those who ejaculated four to seven times per month.
While the reason for this association is not completely clear, experts believe that regularly flushing fluids through the prostate may be beneficial.
2.7. Enhances mental health
A substantial amount of research has found that sexual activity and intimacy are associated with lower rates of depression, anxiety, and feelings of isolation, and that regular sexual activity can promote happiness and improve mood.
One of the most recent studies, published in 2021, found that anxiety and depression scores were significantly lower in those who were sexually active during the COVID-19 lockdown compared to those who were not.

2.8. Reduces stress
Stress and pressure are common issues many people face today, and sexual activity can help reduce stress. When you are stressed, your body releases a hormone called cortisol. A 2019 study found that intimacy with a partner, whether sexual or not, reduces elevated cortisol levels in both men and women.
Additionally, during sexual activity, your body releases a mix of hormones and neurotransmitters that help us feel calm, safe, and secure in the world.
2.9. Burns calories
Being busy with your partner may not replace a session on the treadmill, but it still counts as physical activity.
In a study published in PLOS One, Canadian researchers found that men burned an average of 101 calories during a 24-minute sexual activity, while women burned 69 calories. These results suggest that sexual activity can sometimes be considered a significant form of exercise.
Of course, the actual number of calories you burn depends on the duration and intensity of the sexual activity. Recent research on physical activity indicates that even increasing your heart rate for just a few minutes can provide health benefits.
2.10. Enhances brain health
Some studies suggest that regular sexual activity may have beneficial effects on the brain, particularly in older adults. A 2016 study involving nearly 7,000 adults aged 50 to 89 found that those who engaged in sexual activity more frequently had better recall in memory tests.
Another study published in the Journal of Sex Research in 2018 focused on adults aged 50 and older and found that regular sexual activity and emotional intimacy with a partner were associated with better performance on memory tasks. Regular sexual activity is linked to greater neurogenesis in the brain.
2.11. Helps you sleep better
During sexual activity, the body releases hormones like oxytocin and prolactin that create feelings of pleasure and relaxation. Sexual activity also reduces cortisol, a hormone associated with stress. Therefore, sexual activity can help individuals feel relaxed, sleepy, and more likely to fall asleep.
In one study, about 63% of participants reported that they fell asleep more easily after reaching orgasm, and 71% reported that they slept better after orgasm.
2.12. Extends your lifespan
Researchers say you are never too old to have sex, and making it a regular part of your daily routine can be a tool for extending longevity.
In Ikaria, Greece, one of the regions in the world where people live significantly longer than average, more than 80% of those aged 65 to 100 are sexually active.
Many studies have found a correlation between an active sex life and increased lifespan. For example, a study observing 15,269 adults in the United States, published in 2020 in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, showed a nearly 50% lower mortality rate for those who had sex at least once a week compared to those who rarely engaged in sexual activity.
Experts believe that the lower risk of death may stem from the other health benefits of sex, including better cardiovascular health, improved sleep, reduced stress, and closer relationships with partners.
3. Considerations for Sexual Activity in Old Age
Sexual activity in old age brings many benefits for both health and mental well-being. However, the needs and desires of each individual can vary. Therefore, to ensure safety during sexual activity in older age, you should keep the following points in mind:
- Physical health plays a crucial role in your sexual activity. Therefore, you need to have regular health check-ups and maintain good health to ensure safe sexual activity.
- Communicate openly with your partner about each other’s needs, desires, and limits. This helps both of you understand each other better and creates a comfortable environment.
- Choose a comfortable time and space, avoiding places that may feel pressuring or unsafe.
- Hormonal changes can lead to vaginal dryness in women, so using lubricants can enhance comfort during intercourse.
- Listen to your body and respect your partner’s feelings. Stop sexual activity if you or your partner experience any discomfort.
- Other intimate actions, such as cuddling and kissing, can also help create a sense of closeness and comfort.
- Engaging in fun and meaningful activities together can strengthen emotional bonds and enrich your sex life.
The article has helped you understand the effects of sexual activity in old age on individuals. From this, we can see the numerous benefits that sexual activity brings to both health and mental well-being. To achieve a fulfilling sex life, it’s important to proactively care for your physical health early on to ensure healthy sexual activity, and to live a long, healthy, and happy life.
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