/Video/15 Simple Ways to Lose Weight In 2 Weeks

15 Simple Ways to Lose Weight In 2 Weeks

Is there a way to lose weight beyond diet and exercise? There are many tips that can help you shed some extra pounds in just two weeks. The following video shares 15 tips that can help you eliminate excess belly fat. Most people are even unaware of these tips!

  1. Avoid sugary drinks

    When you crave something sweet, you may be tempted to grab a soda or some fruit juice. However, if you’re determined to lose weight, this sugary habit needs to stop.

  2. Drink green tea to aid weight loss

    According to Dr. Margriet Westerterp-Plantenga from Maastricht University, drinking green tea can help because it is rich in antioxidants called catechins, which boost fat burning.

  3. Reduce unhealthy foods

    A study by scientists at Ohio State University found that you tend to crave unhealthy snacks more when they are within reach.

  4. Brush your teeth more often

    Brushing your teeth not only cleans them! It can also help combat excess weight. If you brush your teeth throughout the day, it may help limit your eating.

  5. Laugh more

    A genuine laugh burns about the same amount of energy as walking because it engages various muscles, especially your abdominal muscles.

  6. Drink more water

    Drinking water boosts metabolism, detoxifies, and keeps your body well-hydrated, which supports weight loss.

  7. Follow the 2.5-minute rule

    Work out for 2.5 minutes at a time. The idea is that 5-30 seconds of high-intensity exercise during a workout (for example, sprinting on a bike or treadmill) with 4 minutes of rest can boost your metabolism, allowing you to burn an additional 200 calories.

  8. Eat less but more frequently

    When you eat more frequently, you signal your body that it doesn’t need to store fat. Skipping meals sends the opposite signal—and we tend to eat more.

  9. Eliminate bright blue light from electronic screens

    Research from Kyushu University shows that bright light disrupts our brains, causing them to stop producing melatonin. Our metabolism is closely linked to our sleep habits and the quantity and quality of our sleep.

  10. Stop counting calories

    Nutrition experts recommend focusing less on calories and more on the quality of the foods you eat, as not all calories are created equal.

  11. Let cool air into your bedroom

    Cool temperatures in the room affect brown fat (a layer of fat that protects the body from cold). As a result, it breaks down white fat and burns chemical energy to generate heat.

  12. Avoid napping during the day

    Science shows that people burn less fat when they sleep during the day and are active at night. A group of researchers from the University of Colorado studied 14 healthy individuals over six days. In the first two days, participants slept at night without napping. Then they altered their sleep patterns to mimic an owl’s schedule. The results showed that when people napped, their metabolism worsened because their biological clocks didn’t fully adjust to their new schedule.

  13. Once a week, intentionally break your diet

    Having a cheat day once a week can encourage and motivate you to maintain your nutritional discipline throughout your weight loss journey.

  14. Eliminate stress

    According to a study from Ohio State University, stress slows down our metabolism. Furthermore, when we’re stressed, we tend to eat more fatty, sweet, and salty foods.

  15. Get enough sleep

    Getting 8 hours of sleep (from 10-11 PM to 6-7 AM) contributes to better metabolism. It can also help you shed unwanted belly fat.

This information was summarized from the video15 Simple Ways to Lose Weight in 2 Weeks” on the BRIGHT SIDE channel.

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