Mental health is related to the emotional quality of our experiences. Bad habits often go unnoticed because we don’t realize their detrimental effects on our mental health.
Here are 6 bad habits that can ruin your mental health:
Habit 1: Suppressing Emotions
Especially suppressing anger.
While it may seem convenient to overlook sadness or inner anger, suppressing emotions can actually be more harmful than beneficial in the long run.
According to anger management coach Dr. Shinar, anger has been linked to low self-esteem, depression, obesity, high blood pressure, and many other issues. The emotions you refuse to acknowledge and confront can manifest later as more severe physical and mental health problems.
Habit 2: Allowing Stress to Control You
Like suppressing emotions, stress can find ways to affect you. Not expressing or analyzing situations thoroughly can become an unhealthy habit that leaves you overwhelmed by stress.
When stressed, your brain releases a hormone called cortisol. When produced in excess, this hormone can inhibit normal brain function. High levels of chronic stress also increase your chances of falling ill.
Habit 3: Negative Thoughts and Emotions
Do you often find yourself thinking that you are a failure or that you’re not good enough to achieve your goals? Continuously having negative thoughts can be harmful to your self-esteem and mental health. You may feel unmotivated to set goals or complete any tasks, as you begin to fear that you aren’t good enough. Therefore, it’s crucial to recognize when you have these negative thoughts and consider talking to a mental health professional if the situation worsens.
Habit 4: Spending All Day on Social Media
How much time do you spend on social media? Do you find yourself mindlessly scrolling and tapping the heart button excessively?
Spending too much time on social media isn’t always good for your mental health.
First, it can affect your posture, as people tend to hunch over their phones most of the time. Are you slouching right now? Sit up straight.
Second, you might compare yourself to what others post online, which can affect your self-esteem and create a cycle of negative thinking that plagues your mind.
Habit 5: Not Being Honest with Yourself
Have you ever agreed to do something you didn’t want to do just because you thought it was what your friends wanted? Are you living your life for yourself or for others?
You might want to avoid conflict or please those around you, but by continually doing what others want you to do, you could end up suppressing your own needs and desires, which can be detrimental to our mental health in the long run.
Habit 6: Poor Posture
Do you often hunch over your desk when working or while scrolling through your social media timeline?
According to a study published in the journal Behavioral Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, standing up straight can have a positive impact on your mental health, such as reducing fatigue. The preliminary findings suggest that adopting an upright posture can enhance positive effects, reduce fatigue, and decrease self-focus in individuals with mild to moderate depression.
This information was summarized from the video “6 Habits That Destroy Your Emotional Wellbeing” on the Psych2Go channel.