/Video/6 Stages of Fasting

6 Stages of Fasting

On his personal YouTube channel, Dr. Eric Berg DC, an experienced physician, shares the six stages of fasting to achieve the highest effectiveness.

Stage 1: 8-14 Hours

  • Blood sugar stabilizes.
  • Uses stored sugar and blood glucose.
  • After 10 hours, muscles begin using about 50% glucose and 50% fat (starting to burn fat).

Stage 2: 14-24 Hours

  • Ketosis begins.
  • Reduced hunger.
  • Increased energy.
  • Improved mood.
  • Enhanced cognitive function.

Stage 3: 24-36 Hours

  • Fully enters ketosis and fat burning.
  • The liver starts producing ketones.
  • Reduced appetite.
  • Decrease in ghrelin (hunger hormone).
  • Increased production of new brain cells.

Stage 4: 36-48 Hours

  • Enhanced autophagy (cellular self-cleaning).
  • Cancer cells are destroyed.
  • Reduced oxidative stress.
  • Misfolded proteins decrease.
  • Improved memory.

Stage 5: 48-60 Hours

  • Significantly improved insulin sensitivity.
  • Further enhanced autophagy.
  • Reduced inflammation.
  • Healing of atrophied tissues.
  • Protein preservation.

Stage 6: 60-72 Hours

  • Immune system regeneration.
  • Surge in immune stem cells.
  • A 2014 study showed that 72-hour fasting leads to a complete regeneration of the immune system, and those undergoing chemotherapy experienced less damage.

About the Author: Dr. Eric Berg DC, age 59, is a chiropractor specializing in Healthy Ketosis and Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the bestseller The Healthy Keto Plan and the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. Although he no longer practices, he focuses on educating the public about health through social media.

Watch the full video HERE.

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