/Video/7 Ways to ‘Detox’ and Balance Your Emotions

7 Ways to ‘Detox’ and Balance Your Emotions

Mental health is an essential part of overall well-being. It means being aware of your emotions and being able to manage them, whether they are positive or negative. People with good mental health still experience stress, anger, and sadness, but they know how to manage these negative emotions. However, burnout is also a real issue.

In this video, we share 7 ways to cleanse your mental health. We hope you find these tips helpful! Feel free to share them with someone who might need them.

Refresh your room 

You’ll be surprised how much a decorative light or paper cranes can lift your mood. Research also shows that adding greenery to your home can reduce fatigue and anxiety. Feng Shui, the ancient Chinese art of balancing your living environment, has existed for nearly three thousand years and helps improve people’s lives in a positive way.

Your room should be a safe space to relax after a long day of work or study. So, stop by a nearby craft store and get creative. Who says detoxing has to be expensive?

Stay hydrated

Keep your body hydrated wisely. The human body is about 75% water, so it’s no surprise that dehydration affects how our brains function. Research shows that even mild dehydration can quickly impact our mood.

Skip the coffee and soda, and opt for something lighter and more soothing, like your favorite herbal tea. This also gives you an excuse to host a tea party if you want. Detoxing with friends and family might be just what you need.

Watch the sunset 

A study from the University of California shows that simply being in the presence of something beautiful can help you feel more connected to your emotions. Similarly, researcher J. Wayne Jain found that these emotions not only improve mental health but also inspire generosity towards others.

There’s no such thing as a boring sunset, so seize the moment and let it remind you that after bad times, tomorrow is always near.

Doodle or journal

When life gets busy, we don’t always have the chance to take a vacation, so why not escape fatigue through your imagination?

Invest in a good journal, and doodle or plan for the upcoming month. According to Dr. Maria Rodell, the more clutter there is around us, the more we should slow down, both mentally and physically. When your mind is full of noisy thoughts, sometimes all it needs is a little color and organization.

Look back on your childhood memories  

bWho here feels that growing up is overrated? Responsibilities increase, and so do your bills. But life doesn’t always have to be difficult.

Rewatch a Disney movie or revisit a book you loved as a child. It will give you the perspective you need. In fact, studies conducted by Dr. Constantine Sedikides for over a decade have shown that nostalgia can combat loneliness and boredom. His passion for roots and memories led him to create the Southampton Nostalgia Scale. It turns out, homesickness can help us regain the strength to move forward.

Apologize to someone

Our egos often get in the way of living authentically and honestly. No one is perfect, and none of us are saints. If there’s something you did wrong in the past that you’ve never truly owned up to, call that person or find them on Facebook and let them know you’re sorry.

Research shows that apologizing offers emotional benefits to both the receiver and the one offering the apology, such as helping you heal, move past the past, and build empathy. When you humble yourself and apologize, you become the bigger person, and this can close a sad chapter.

Help those less fortunate 

You don’t need to run a large charity to make a big difference. Whether it’s volunteering at an animal shelter or donating to a good cause, you are doing something meaningful, and this will make you feel better.

In fact, you’ll be surprised to know that doing good deeds not only lowers your stress levels but also your blood pressure, thereby increasing your lifespan. Research from Carnegie Mellon University shows that volunteering can boost physical activity in people who don’t usually exercise.

This content is taken from the video “7 Ways to Detox Your Emotions” on the Psych2Go YouTube channel.

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