Tech millionaire Bryan Johnson (46 years old, American) is renowned worldwide for his health and anti-aging regimen that costs millions of dollars. Let’s explore his anti-aging skincare routine in the following video.
Before establishing the in-depth anti-aging longevity program Blueprint, I damaged my skin throughout my life. Sunburn, fast food, poor sleep habits, and no skincare routine. Now, I’m actively managing my skin health.
Skin is the largest organ in our body.
When I was younger, I ruined my skin. I frequently went out in the sun without sunscreen, and now, at 40, I’m paying the price. When I started the Blueprint program, my goal was to measure every organ in my body, including my skin, slow down aging, and then reverse the damage caused by aging.
I have experienced a lot of skin aging damage, and what we have done is use various technologies to measure the damage and the age of my skin.
Bryan Johnson’s Anti-Aging Skincare Routine
Today, I will show you three things. First is the moisturizer, then the devices or lasers, and finally what you should do daily.
- Cleanser + Accutane: I start my day by washing my face with a cleanser containing salicylic acid, which helps keep acne at bay. I also use Accutane; currently, I take two pills a week, each 40mg, which works great for me. I also undergo some anti-aging therapies that have acne as a side effect, such as rapamycin, one of the most promising anti-aging drugs. It’s used for organ transplant patients and suppresses the immune system. The dosage I take causes acne, so it’s a good method for controlling it. I recently used Atap Poo cream, which we tested for 3 weeks.
- Adipeau: Like any other cream, we evaluate its effectiveness based on measurable indicators. Adipeau aims to provide fat to the face since I’m trying to restore facial volume. This product takes time to see results, possibly after one week, two weeks, or four weeks; if it’s ineffective, it will be removed from the routine.
- Moisturizer and Devices: What we found is that creams do not make a significant difference in the data. If you are trying to reduce wrinkles or mitigate UV damage that the eye cannot see, you need to use devices like lasers and IPL, which I will introduce later.
In summary, my routine is very simple: I wash my face in the morning with a cleanser, then apply moisturizer, and finally use Elta MD sunscreen. I use sunscreen because sunlight harms the skin and accelerates aging. I try to go outside early in the morning or in the evening when the UV index is low; otherwise, I avoid the sun. But when I go outside, I always use sunscreen.
I also go to the clinic to measure indicators such as UV damage, pore size, redness, brown spots, etc. To measure, we use the following devices:
- Multi-spectral Imaging: This is a clinical quality system commonly found in dermatology clinics, giving you an overview of 8-10 different biological indicators. When I started, the results were quite frightening, like a zombie face. My son threw a surprise birthday party, and all his friends had beautiful skin.
- Facial Revolumizing: This is the Exilus device, which uses radio wave technology to produce collagen and firm the skin. As you age, the skin loses firmness and collagen. We’ve tried to restore facial volume and have seen significant improvement from my images a year ago. We’ve paused this device for further analysis due to concerns that it may cause fat loss.
- Tixel: We have also paused Tixel because we recently saw positive results from a new technology. Tixel uses thermal and mechanical technology to treat wrinkles with a titanium tip, proven to be safe and effective in collagen production and skin firming.
- Intense Pulse Light (IPL): This is BBL (BroadBand Light), also known as IPL. It has different wavelengths and is used to treat widespread skin damage. It is very effective in eliminating sun damage.
- Blue + Red Light Therapy: This is the Saluma Pro, a device costing about $1,500. It uses red light to produce collagen and treat skin and blue light to treat acne. I used it for a while but no longer use it now.
- Red Light Therapy: I use red light therapy three times a week, each session lasting 12 minutes. This is a good method for skin health, recovery, and tissue health. It’s also beneficial for mood when shone on the forehead.
I am very satisfied with the progress we have made. At the beginning, my skin age was 64, and now it has decreased to around 37-42. I have seen significant improvements in the measurements of my skin health.
Emphasis: It’s essential to protect the skin from UV rays. At home, I have large windows and use UV-blocking film, which reduces 99.9% of UV rays. When going out, I often use an umbrella to protect against the sun. Although this may seem odd in the U.S., it is very popular in many other parts of the world.
The content is edited from the video “My Anti-Aging Skincare Routine” on the YouTube channel of the famous tech millionaire Bryan Johnson.