/Video/How to Fall Asleep in 2 Minutes?

How to Fall Asleep in 2 Minutes?

To fall asleep quickly in just 2 minutes, here are 7 things you should do before bed.

Sleep in a cooler environment

The temperature around you, particularly around your head and body, is one of the most underestimated factors that not only affects how easily you fall asleep tonight but also the quality of your sleep.
Whether you’re too hot due to thick blankets, pajamas, or just a hot room, it has been shown to reduce both short and long sleep durations. In order to fall asleep, your body must cool down by 2-3°F (about 1.5°C), so a cooler environment will help your body temperature drop more quickly. This might surprise you, but the recommended room temperature is around 65°F (18.3°C).

Take a hot shower or bath before bed

When exposed to heat, your body cannot retain it all and pushes blood to the outer layers of your skin, giving you that flushed look. When you step out of the warm environment, those dilated blood vessels radiate heat to your surroundings, and your body temperature drops significantly. This tricks your body and brain into thinking it’s time to sleep.

Move the clock away

Simply being able to look at the time and realize how long you’ve been awake doesn’t help and only makes you more stressed. In fact, time management is strongly linked to stress and triggers wakefulness.

Minimize or avoid caffeine and nicotine

Coffee, cola, some teas, and even chocolate can take up to 8 hours to wear off completely. Nicotine is also a stimulant, so avoid these later in the day. While some studies suggest avoiding a diet high in carbs helps with sleep, it’s best not to go to bed too hungry or too full.

Exercise and physical fatigue can help you fall asleep faster

However, exercising 2-3 hours before bed might keep you awake longer, so working out earlier in the day is better.

Ensure you feel truly relaxed before bed

If you’re excited or anxious while trying to sleep, your brain won’t be ready. A relaxing activity a few hours before bed, like reading, is a perfect way to get you into the right state.

Make sure you get enough exposure to sunlight during the day

And minimize exposure to light at night. You’ve probably been told not to use screens before bed, and that’s true, but it’s equally important to get at least 30 minutes of natural sunlight a day. This helps regulate your body’s schedule and triggers sleepiness at the right time.

Watch the full video [HERE].

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