The YouTube channel Doctor Mike with nearly 13 million subscribers posted a video titled “How I Lose Fat and Keep Muscle“, which attracted almost 2 million views.
In this video, Doctor Mike discusses calories, macronutrients, micronutrients, weight loss, weight gain, and maintaining muscle growth. Below are some key points:
Think of calories simply as a form of energy found in food, which your body needs to function optimally.
These include protein, like fish. Next are fats, like olive oil. And carbs.
Protein is an extremely important component of every cell in the body. Hair and nails are mostly made of protein. It’s an essential macronutrient that your body uses to build and repair muscles, bones, skin, and even blood.
Dietary fats have been misunderstood. Dietary fat is essential for energy and supporting cell growth. It also helps protect organs and keep your body warm. Finally, fats help you absorb certain nutrients and produce important hormones, like testosterone.
Carbohydrates are divided into three types: fiber, starch, and sugar.
Fiber is a crucial part of carbohydrates. Not only does it help the bacteria in your gut thrive, but it can also curb your appetite, lower cholesterol levels, and reduce your risk of certain cancers. This part of carbs is particularly interesting and a favorite for Doctor Mike.
Starch is the most consumed carbohydrate on the planet. You often find it in grains and vegetables.
Sugar is absorbed very quickly into our bloodstream, causing a spike in blood sugar, which then increases insulin. This can lead to a lot of problems when you eat too much sugar.
Here we are talking about vitamins and minerals (such as vitamins B, C, and D, and minerals like zinc and iron). These are essential nutrients for our lives.
They are called essential because most of our bodies can’t produce them. We need to get them from our diet. If you’re deficient in vitamins, it can affect energy levels, the immune system, blood clotting, and much more. And if you’re deficient in minerals, your bones won’t develop properly, your growth could be stunted, and you may experience anemia. This is why these nutrients are vital.
Not all diets are the same
Let’s assume there are two people in the same situation. They have the same calorie maintenance level, and they both want to lose weight.
Person A decides to follow a cookie diet, eating 1500 calories of cookies daily, which is 500 calories below their maintenance level. Person B also eats 1500 calories a day, but they follow the Mediterranean diet, which is primarily based on whole and plant-based foods.
Both will actually lose weight. So, if both are losing weight, why is one worse off than the other?
Both are in a calorie deficit. But Person A is eating cookies, mostly sugar and some fat, so they don’t have a good balance of macronutrients. Person B, on the Mediterranean diet, has a good balance of macronutrients, rich in vitamins and minerals.
Maintaining a healthy weight is one of the most important things you can do to stay healthy and live longer.
Watch the full video [HERE]. You can select Vietnamese subtitles to fully and accurately understand the information in this video.