/Video/‘Sugar-related’ health pandemic

‘Sugar-related’ health pandemic

Sugar is excessively consumed in high doses, leading to severe long-term health impacts and increasing the risk of chronic diseases.

Robert H. Lustig is an American pediatric endocrinologist at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), where he serves as a Professor of Clinical Pediatrics.

Dr. Lustig assesses the dangers of sugar to human health and its connection to Type 2 Diabetes and the global Obesity pandemic.

In a TED&Talks video where he was the speaker, he discussed sugar, its harmful effects, and the associated health risks. Below is a summary of the video:

Sugar and the risk of diabetes

  • Sugar is not just “empty calories” but “toxic calories.”
  • Research has shown that consuming one soda per day increases the risk of Diabetes by 29%, regardless of total calorie intake, weight, or diet.
  • For every 150 calories from sugar (e.g., one soda), the Diabetes rate significantly increases.

The impact of sugar on the body

  • Sugar causes the accumulation of fat around the liver (Liver Fat Accumulation), which is dangerous visceral fat surrounding internal organs, not subcutaneous fat (“love handles”).
  • Sugar is addictive, similar to alcohol, making it hard for many people to stop consuming it. Approximately 20% of the population may be addicted to sugar.

Diabetes rates around the world

Countries like Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, and others are facing extremely high Diabetes rates, mainly due to excessive sugar consumption.

Scientific evidence of sugar’s health impacts

Sugar has been proven to meet scientific and legal criteria as a disease-causing agent, with a clear connection to Diabetes.

The role of insulin and sugar’s effects

  • Insulin, a hormone regulating energy and blood sugar levels, plays a crucial role in Obesity and chronic diseases. High Insulin levels lead to the accumulation of visceral fat, increasing the risk of metabolic disorders. Sugar is a primary factor in elevating Insulin levels, contributing to these health issues.
  • Research shows that even one soda per day increases the risk of Diabetes by 29%, irrespective of calorie intake or body weight. This is why sugar is considered “toxic calories” rather than merely “empty calories.”

Processed foods: The root of the problem

The Western diet, which relies on processed foods, has exacerbated health problems. It lacks essential nutrients like fiber, Omega-3s, and micronutrients, while being rich in Trans Fats, Sugar, and Omega-6 Fatty Acids from Vegetable Oils. Sugar, in particular, is addictive, making it difficult to control consumption.

Reduce sugar starting today for better health!

Watch the full video here

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