Vitamin B1 supports the function and prevents damage to the nervous system, improves memory, maintains immunity and metabolism for the body, and enhances cardiovascular health and vision.


Vitamin B1, also known as Thiamine, is one of the 8 B-group vitamins. Thiamine was the first B vitamin discovered by scientists, which is why it carries the number 1 (Vitamin B1).

Vitamin B1 is present in all tissues of the body and is essential for daily human life.


  • Vitamin B1 affects carbohydrate synthesis and sugar metabolism.
  • Vitamin B1 helps maintain nerve function.
  • Oral Vitamin B1 can affect and improve menstrual cramps in adolescents and young women.
  • Vitamin B1 is used to prevent or treat low levels of Vitamin B1 in people who do not get enough from their diet.
  • Vitamin B1 participates in the breakdown of pyruvic acid into oxyethyl pyrophosphate, involved in ATP and GTP synthesis pathways for cell use.

In general, Vitamin B1 helps support and prevent damage to the nervous system, improves memory, maintains immunity and metabolism, and enhances cardiovascular health and vision. It also helps strengthen hair and brighten the skin.


Depending on age, metabolic rate, and energy use, Vitamin B1 requirements vary from person to person. In general, the body requires small amounts of Vitamin B1, with a daily need ranging from 1-3 mg on average.



Vitamin B1 can be supplemented through diet. It is found in foods such as yeast, grains, beans, nuts, and meat. However, the Vitamin B1 content in foods often does not meet the body’s needs, especially considering the reduced absorption due to complex digestion.

Vitamin B1 supplements (oral form)

Oral Vitamin B1 supplements are convenient, easily accessible, and easy to use. However, oral Vitamin B1 is often not effective in replenishing the essential nutrient levels in the body because supplements must pass through the long digestive system. Thus, they typically provide only partial nutritional benefits.

Vitamin B1 intravenous therapy (Vitamin B1 IV)

People with Beriberi or Wernicke’s encephalopathy need Vitamin B1 injections for treatment. For cases requiring Vitamin B1 as a preventive or compensatory measure for micronutrient deficiency, Vitamin B1 can be supplemented through intravenous infusion (Vitamin B1 IV Therapy).

IV therapy bypasses the digestive system and delivers Vitamin B1 and minerals directly into the bloodstream, optimizing metabolism, intracellular function, and cognitive ability with quicker results.

Side effects (if any)

Thiamine is generally safe. When used as an oral supplement in appropriate doses, Thiamine (Vitamin B1) rarely causes reactions.

Interactions (if any)

There is currently no evidence of Thiamine interacting with other drugs or substances.

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