/Video/12 EASY Ways to Burn Fat Fast as Hell

12 EASY Ways to Burn Fat Fast as Hell

Burning fat has never been simple. But by trying the 12 methods below, it will become easier.

  1. Consume a moderate amount of high-quality animal protein
    Keep your carb intake under 50 grams per day. The body’s metabolism allows you to use energy from fat, which is regulated by your carb consumption.
  2. Turn carbohydrates into leafy greens
    You don’t need to worry about counting carbs from vegetables. They also provide fiber, which is crucial for the health of beneficial gut bacteria.
  3. Don’t eat unless you’re hungry
    Avoid forming the habit of eating by the clock. Don’t eat just because others are eating.
  4. Try workout snacks
    Take advantage of different opportunities throughout the day to exercise more. Take breaks from computer tasks and go for a walk.
  5. Avoid grains
    Stay away from all grains, even gluten-free ones. Consuming fiber when the gut is inflamed will feed harmful pathogens. Glutamine found in meat and cabbage helps heal the gut.
  6. Don’t keep junk food at home
    Don’t tempt yourself! If there’s junk food in the house, you’re likely to eat it.
  7. Avoid places where you’ll be tempted
    Restaurants and social events can be sources of temptation. Avoid these places if necessary.
  8. Avoid “dead” food
    Highly processed foods with long shelf lives are “dead.” This includes canned foods, packaged foods, and highly refined products.
  9. Try cold therapy
    Cold showers, ice baths, and spending more time outdoors during the winter can boost fat burning.
  10. Try adaptogens to reduce stress
    Adaptogens like ashwagandha, vitamin B1, and vitamin D can help lower stress levels and enhance fat burning.
  11. Avoid glyphosate
    Glyphosate acts as an antibiotic in the body and can negatively affect gut bacteria. It is found in grains, corn, soy, canola, wheat products, and non-organic foods.
  12. Consume apple cider vinegar
    Apple cider vinegar (ACV) aids in weight loss, stabilizing blood sugar levels, and reducing insulin resistance.

Watch the full content and detailed instructions HERE.

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