/Video/How emotionally healthy are you?

How emotionally healthy are you?

Emotional health is defined by four markers: the degree of self-love, openness, communication skills, and trust.

Watch this video to self-assess your level of emotional health. So how well do you understand your emotional health?

  1. Self-Love: Self-love is the ability to befriend ourselves and maintain a positive view of ourselves in various situations. This includes whether we can endure criticism from others, whether we dare to leave toxic relationships, and whether we can acknowledge our mistakes without feeling bad.
  2. Candour: Candour relates to the ability to accept difficult realities and unpleasant aspects of ourselves. Can we confront the darker parts of our minds without avoiding them? Are we willing to listen and learn from criticism without feeling attacked?
  3. Communication: The ability to express our disappointments and desires can help build healthy relationships. Can we communicate patiently and effectively, or do we often let pain turn into anger and shut down our emotions?
  4. Trust: Trust concerns how we perceive the world around us and the level of safety we feel in relationships. Do we trust ourselves and others to handle difficult situations?

Many of these questions are challenging to answer positively, but asking them helps us better understand the nature of our psychological wounds and what may be necessary for healing.

This video content is sourced from the popular YouTube channel, School of Life, which has nearly 10 million subscribers. Watch the full video content HERE.

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